Priory Mouse

You know this wind really gets on my tail end (I wish them humlings would shut that door)! Oh, um sorry about that I didn’t see you there I’m Mark the Mouse. I’m not 100% sure but I think it was around the 1500’s when horrid Henry the VIII knocked some of this precious church and the treasured treasury.

My favourite time of year is the midnight mass when we tear open our presents (cheese) whilst the outstanding organ plays. After a while our little mouslings drift away…ZZZZZZZ, oh sorry I fell asleep. My worst time was when the great gale struck (10th February 1871); I thought the church was going to be ripped from the ground!

900 years it’s an extremely long time for a humungous building such as this to stand. My family have had so many memories in this church and I want to have many more. Although the future may bring flashy, new gadgets I hope the priory will stand for many more years.mouse singing

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