bobs piano


I’ve had this piano since a kid, I’ve played millions of songs but this means the most to me. My name is Bob I have played the piano since I was young it talks to me and helps me get through life. My dad got me it for my birthday I wasn’t expecting anything to be honest. I’ve had it ever since and always played with it. When I play I feel relaxed.

When I play the piano I feel a slight hand on my hand and I think it’s my wife. This has been happening since the accident. I wish she was still here with me to play the piano.

When I play this certain song I have a flashback to the war.  I think of my brother who fought in the war. I shouldn’t have told him to go. It was my fault it will stay with me forever and forever. It was my entire fault!

I remember when I was a kid I got a hobby horse I loved it I pretended it was real, jumping fences, shooting bad guys. It was my birthday when I got it. I got up in the morning and saw 1 present I wasn’t expecting anything but it was the best until I got my piano. I rode it every day it was the best.

The only person in my family is my grandson. He plays the piano with him. The hobby horse got passed down through the family and now is his. My grandson plays with it like I did, jumping fences, and shooting bad guys. He plays with it all the time.

Me and my grandson play the piano he always  finishes the song . He looked at me and I realized he is the special thing in my life.

bobs piano

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