

My name is John, John Balowitz. I have been playing the piano since I was a young boy. My piano has got me through much of my past ( and trust me it wasn’t easy). Since my wife died all I has was my piano, sometimes I think that my piano is the only thing left I can talk to. Myself and my piano stay together most of the days now. I haven’t seen daylight in three months, I get so depressed nowadays I cry myself to sleep. But when I wake up and go down stairs it may sound silly but I sit and play our wedding song and suddenly everything all better.

The day me and carol met is still vividly engraved in my mind. We were both at a bar and our favourite song was been played. She asked me if I liked this kind of music so I said yes. After that short set of speech we talked and danced all evening until the bar closed. I put my black leather jacket over her shoulders and walked her home. Then we just agreed to see each other again and our relationship started from there. We had our ups and downs but I loved her to the moon and back. Why do bad things always happen to the good people?

Now I’m going further back, actually to someone else I cherished, by dear best friend Adam. We were fighting in a harsh war the sand blowing up in our faces, the sun beaming, sweat dripping down my forehead. The word ‘GO’ circled my mind then it blurted out of my mouth. From behind the wall Adam jumped out gun at ready, and in  split second Adam was laid in my arms out of breath bleeding eternally. What have I done?

I’m going back again but to when I was a young boy. Actually it was a very important day in my life. My birthday. It was June 23rd 1888. My father was at work while mother was cooking tea. Then my dad walked through the door with a huge present and put it under the piano. He came in the kitchen and brushed his hand across my hair and wished me happy birthday. I asked him what was under the piano. Unexpectedly he had a smile on his face and told me to have a look. I walked over and cautiously opened the blue decorated box. And to my amazement it was a gorgeous wooden horse. I played cowboys on it nearly everyday. It really was a great birthday.

Now I sit with my ever so generous father. Playing the piano like I was born to play. As I stared at our reflection I thought to myself, soon this will be me with my son, but I shall cherish this moment for as long as I live. My father is getting on now and soon he will be gone. So to this moment 2013 I shall always remember my father.

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