night at the museum


The first step into the grounds of the Natural History Museum(NHM)  will take your breath away. Its astonishing!  You will be lost with words to describe it. The NHM is gigantic you’ll be transfixed by the mind-blowing fossils ,skeletons and reptiles in alcohol , so much that  you’ll   find it difficult to find time to move from the room. You could spend weeks searching this maze like museum  especially when you try to find the source of the booming cry of the dinosaur! When  you find him, the (robot) dinosaur will amaze you with his  movements and stomping.



If a T-rex was in your bedroom he would eat you(simple as that). They are a carnivore if you saw it straight away you would know it was a killer dinosaur .The best advice would be to run very fast or they would have you in one bite .They have gigantic teeth, T-rex’s are loud ginormous and can be very flamboyant .

T-rex’s are one of the tallest and most vicious of dinosaur .They have a long tail to keep the balanced , no molar ,there  teeth are the same size as  boomerangs . It’s almost like a king killing machine. To kill  his prey he stands on it with his huge back claw .It‘s as tall as  two double decker busses  .There is no man or women bigger than its leg it wieghs as much as an army tank. A full grown man would fit under its back claw so it would have you for dinner.

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