The piano

The Piano

I’ve had my piano since I was a little boy. I may be lonely but my piano is still with with me. I can see my reflection in the piano. The piano is the only thing left. Myself and my piano stay together.


It wasn’t long before Dot {my wife} died. We would play the piano all the time. She would kiss me on the cheek every night before bed. She was amazing at playing the piano. But now she is gone I still feel hear hand touch mine.


I feel guilty it should have been me. My relative got shot because of me. I nodded to tell him to go and bang. He dropped on the floor, held him in my arms as he was dying. The memory’s still come back to me it was the hardest thing I’ve done.    


When it was my birthday I received a present. It was a hobby horse one of my favourite toys. I played with it all the time. I would portend to ride an actual horse.


I would ride around the piano making horse sounds. I would run as fast as I could. Like I was running as fast as a horse. Life was so simple then but now I’m alone it isn’t fun.


Now I play like a master but I still feel alone and can’t sleep. I and dot our love will still carry on till the end. I always think she sites right next to me and kisses me on the cheek. I will always think you are lovely you still mean the world to me.

The End

By Max Slater


 The piano

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