Victorian Prisoners

                           Victorian Prisoners

Prisoner 1: Aaron Layton The early rioter

Prisoner 2: Henry Catlin 14 Deported.

Prisoner 3: John Walker convicted for stealing onions

Prisoner 4: Lucy Lowe- Child Murder.

Prisoner 5: Sarah Dazley convicted for Murder.

Prisoner 6: Walter Horsford Convicted for poisoning.

Victorian Punishments

Punishment 1: The cane- used when people got a spelling wrong

Punishment 2: The cage- used when people had favouritism.

Punishment 3: The log- used when people did a lot of talking.

Punishment 4: The stocks- used when people were just naughty.

Punishment 5: The ruler- People were wacked by a ruler when they didn’t know their 9 times tables.

Victorian Peelers

Peelers was the name of Victorian police. They wore a top hat, a long black cloak, and communicated by blowing a whistle. They were pretty tough in them days, they even used to shoot people. Most peelers were men but they had some women as well.

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