Do you think slavery alright?

Do you think slavery is right?

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Slavery has been around for 1000’s of years .The Greek, Romans, Vikings and Americans have all been part of the slavery trade. William Wilberforce fought to pass an act to abolish slavery in the British Parliament  in the 1870’s and finally  won the fight before he died. Before then slavery was legal and many people became very wealthy and influential and didn’t want to lose their riches and power.

Believe it or not people thought slavery was alright because it brought much more wealth for all the countries involved (with the slave triangle), and many banks opened because the people became so wealthy. For example: Sugar, cotton and tobacco was purchased by the slave ship owners to be used for trading. This created large Industries in the counties that bought these goods.

Many people went to parliament to continue slavery creating lies to MP’s and people who  didn’t know much about slavery. Slavery was allowed in the bible that’s why so many people allowed it to carry on. They also said that if Britain didn’t engage in trade then others would. This was an argument used in a speech to parliament in 1777 Africa was involved with the slavery trade they stated that Africans enslaved each other.

There were lots of reasons by the anti-slavery group. But they still took many years for people just to understand there point of view. There for there were many lies about slavery that’s why they tried there hardest to get out the truth and then people would understand. This is because there where lots of people that thought blacks were lower than them that why they tried to make slavery carry on.

Slavery has been a huge problem for many generations. It wasn’t until William Wilberforce spoke and spent most of his working life as an MP fighting against it that it was finally solved



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