Was slavery right

Was slavery right?



There was no  doubt that slavery brought vast and wealthy in to many contras this fouled  slavery for many years as plantation owners where able to gain power and worthiness

The slave trade was necessary for the success   and wealth to Britain .the merchants and plantation owners wanted slavery to continue so that they can keep rich and powerful. So slavery continued  these ranged from the enslaved people where unfit for work many people were very prejudiced  in there belief’s


I think slavery is bad because they get sold and used for slaves and used to do there dirty work for them. One day a man called William Wilberforce  made his first speech to band slavery. The ban against slavery was finally put in place and thousands of slaves where rescued but many died.

There where many reasons against slavery. That the Africans suffered gratefully  from being moved from there homelands Wilberforce collected evidence to show this  he proved that many resisted or preferred to die rather than suffer life on a ship many where punished  and some and some died on board the ship due to the terrible conditions.

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